Friday, May 8, 2015

Cambodia pop rock revival

My interest in rickshaws or cyclo extends beyond a fascination with the machine itself. It's not just about the lifestyle of the rickshaw wallah either. I suppose my deepest interest is in the idea that we can live more simply cooperatively and happily than the modern consumer resource hungry world offers.
I find myself constantly rebelling at the homogenization of our society and love to see other cultures forcing their way into the mainstream. A couple of years ago I met Julien and Channthy of the awesome band Cambodian Space  Project CSP. There is so much I love about this band that I can't type on my phone as I sit here in the blood bank (with daytime TV blaring in the background).

CSP Are the merging of past, present and future, funk, rock pop tradition and culture. 
Please check out some of their stuff online. You will be amazed and entertained!
Their current show in Sydney includes a cosmic funkadelic golden galactic cyclo! Proving that futuristic space travelers know how to travel in style!